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Three Day Hammer Trading System
How to Turbo Boost Your Trading

"All you need is one pattern to make a Living! Learn first to specialize in doing one thing well.�-Linda Bradford Rashke

Learn the little known secret for trading success...

Did you know that most traders don't make money?

It is a fact that  97% of all traders ...  lose money. Most traders allow themselves to lose money rather than learn successful methods. Most traders prefer to blame poor results on bad markets and poor advisors.

Are they crazy?

The good news is that 3% of traders make money. And since this
small group of smart traders profit from the 97% losers, they don't
just make money...these winners make big money.

One of the longest lasting principles of the market is that strongly
trending markets pull back for a few days and then resume their trend.

This was discovered and exploited by the legendary and great trader
Richard Wyckoff in the early 1900's.

This principle has been proven and exploited over and over again.
Larry Connors and Linda Raschke wrote about it in their great book
Street Smarts where they showed that strongly trending markets
tend to pull back to their 20 day moving average before rising again.
Jeff Cooper wrote about it in Hit and Run Trading with the 1-2-3-4
strategy. Jeff Cooper, again used the basic concept in a modified
version in The 5 Day Momentum Method.

But they all were just using a pull back strategy.

What happens is that a strongly trending market will take a few days
rest before continuing its trend. This is especially true in the early
stages of the move. The rest or pause will come in the form of
sideways movement or down days ( up days for down trending markets).
This pause comes from individuals who bought at lower levels (or in
downtrends, who have shorted at higher levels) and now wish to lock
in their gains.

Stop "playing" the stock market...

Join the 3% who make money

You've seen and read all kinds of stock trading material that give
you different techniques and strategies that are supposed to work.
You could waste thousands of dollars trying to figure out which of
these methods work. Most of these systems are very subjective.
When do you enter? When do you get out? How much stock do you
purchase? After trying system after system, you find out none of
them work with any consistency.

What is this Amazing Trading Secret?

Successful traders do have trading secrets. I call them secrets not
because very few of us are aware of them, but because very few of
us use them. The secrets are basic stock entry, exit strategies and
proper money management. If you master these three techniques,
money will flow into your hands. I am going to teach you the
beginnings of all these fundamental essentials.

If you are going to succeed, you need a simple but robust entry
method. It must be good in bull, bear and sideways markets One of
the best is a pullback strategy. The amazing thing is that when you
combine pullbacks with Japanese Candlestick Charting,  you can
almost always predict when the change of stock direction will occur.

I am not going to waste your time discussing Japanese Candlesticks
except to say that Japanese Candlestick charting goes back over
500 hundred years. It was used in Japan to create some the greatest
financial dynasties. The sad fact is that these techniques are for the
most part unused in the United States.

What I have found .... What top traders have found is that Japanese
Candlesticks are excellent ways to see changes in a stocks direction.

One of the best reversal formations is the Hammer.

  • Turns after Hammer formations tend to be more pronounced
  • Hammer formations show where shakeouts have occurred
  • Hammers show where buyers and sellers are "hanging out"

The Hammer is the markets way of providing a road sign, such as
"Caution - Trend Reversal in Progress". And I have put all this and
more into a book called the Three Day Hammer.


I am putting this warning way up here. I am not hiding this in tiny
print or telling you after you purchase this great e-book. The Three Day
Hammer is not for everyone.

                         If you are looking for a quick rich system ..

  • Stock trading is risky and involves risk of money loss
  • Do not risk money that you can not afford to lose
  • This method can not be guaranteed to make profits in the
     short term and past performance is no guarantee of success.
    It is a long term method that requires patience and discipline
  • No representation is being made that any account will or is
    likely to achieve profit or losses
  • This information is being distributed for educational purposes only
  • You and only You are responsible for all your trading outcome

If you do not believe or understand the above warning, please do
not waste your money purchasing The Three Day Hammer.
I'll even go one better...We do not want you as a customer.

Here's What You will Find in this e-Book

  A complete system that works. This includes a high probability low risk entry setup.
  Detailed coverage on how to enter
  How to place you orders
  Exactly how and where to exit
  How much to trade for your account size
  Where to place your stops
  How long a trade should last
  How to filter out likely losses
  When and where to take profits

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