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Ideas For Trading

 So, you want to create your own trading system. Here's a start.

Where to Get Ideas

Where do you get ideas for systems? There are numerous sources, including seminars, books, newsletter, friends and system purchases.

Books and Magazines

Trading books are a good source of ideas. There are always books available that describe a bunch of new and improved indicators and show how to use them. Check out our recommended reading list.

Magazines are another great source to find ideas. There are several good magazines for stock and commodity traders.

Active Trader           http://www.activetradermag.com
Futures Magazine      http://www.futuresmag.com/

Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities     

The Internet

The internet is the most extensive resource for trading.

Purchase a System

You can find them in magazine classifieds and if you have been trading for a while, you get them in the mail.

System purchases are a valid way to get ideas, if only if the system code is disclosed. Purchase the system for ideas. If the system is a black box and the system developer won't disclose the trading code, refuse to buy it.

See our extensive list of trading systems for sale.

Check our list of free and recognized trading systems.

And don't forget about the 3 Day Hammer.


Going to seminars is always productive. One or 2 good ideas are worth the price of admission. You get to meet other traders and bounce ideas around with them

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